Sunday, April 14, 2013

Summer Awaits: The Times, They Are a Changin'

For my entire existence, summer has always meant downtime. My annual calendar has never failed to coincide with the academic year, which makes summer a period of waiting. Now that I graduate in less than a month, my internal clock is in for a major reset.

Normally, a discussion of summer would be a perusal of various leisure activities to consume myself with while putting forth a reasonable effort to not simply sit around.

This time, life starts.

Planning for summer now entails preparing for the world beyond. Thoughts of proper business attire, U-Hauls, and job applications replace trips to Sedona, lazy summer afternoons, and all other activities I usually associate with this time of year.

I’m ready for the significant change that awaits me. The challenge of Life is far more invigorating than deciding where to get tacos for lunch. 

But then again, maybe I’m not ready. Am I ingrained with a routine passiveness that renders me incapable of productivity between June-August? Have I been trained to put my brain to rest during the summer months?

Maybe I have. I am about to wage war with the school calendar mindset that constitutes all I've ever known. Usually, I get to relax and wait for the next semester to begin. This time, the established annual pattern must be usurped by a sense of urgency that comes with growing up.  

Time to see what I’m made of.

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